HDAA Accredited Dental Practice

HDAA Accredited Dental Practice
Tony Hill Dental has gained Private Dental Practice Accreditation from HDAA (Health & Disability Auditing Australia) after we took part in their independent assessment program. The accreditation demonstrates that we are adhering to industry regulations and guidelines and formally demonstrates our compliance with the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards that include quality, safety and good governance by committing to quality improvement, patient safety and quality care. Achieving HDAA’s independent accreditation provides patients with the confidence that Tony Hill Dental is continuing to meet a strict set of standards that commit us to continuously improve the safety and quality of care we deliver.  It demonstrates that we have systems, policies and procedures in place to ensure the highest level of quality and care for all of our patients.

HDAA Accredited Dental Practice

Our HDAA accreditation demonstrates our compliance with quality, safety & good governance by committing to quality improvement, patient safety and care.